Home News by Region Langford Langford Council to discuss COVID-19 action update at April 6 meeting

Langford Council to discuss COVID-19 action update at April 6 meeting

The public can dial in to listen to the 5:30 pm meeting

Langford council agenda, COVID-19, April 6 2020
Langford City council will hear an update on COVID-2019 initiatives, at their April 6, 2020 council meeting.

Monday April 6, 2020 ~ LANGFORD

by Mary Brooke ~ West Shore Voice News

City of Langford Mayor and Council will hear a staff report with an update on City of Langford COVID-19 Initiatives at their council meeting this evening April 6, 2020 at 5:30 pm.

Council will vote on bylaws (#1907 and 1909) on bylaw ticket information, and a new COVID-19 business regulation bylaw #1908.

Due to the requirement for social distancing, the meeting is available by teleconferencing. The local dial-in number to hear the meeting live is 778-907-2071. Visit the dial-in information page to get the code for tonight’s meeting. Public participation is possible once you’re into the call.

Langford City council, April 6 2020, COVID-19
Langford City council will hear an update on COVID-2019 initiatives, at their April 6, 2020 council meeting.

To see the agenda and find the info for dialing in, visit: