Home Business & Economy Housing Land development begins for 77 multi-family homes in Colwood

Land development begins for 77 multi-family homes in Colwood

Townhomes, condos and apartments on high traffic route

conceptual drawing, 2300 Sooke Road, Colwood
Conceptual drawing for 2330 Sooke Road in Colwood [City of Colwood]

Wednesday February 19, 2020 ~ COLWOOD

~ West Shore Voice News

A new development with townhomes, condos and apartments is coming to the corner of Sooke Road and Veterans Memorial Parkway in Colwood.

The property at 2330 Sooke Road will see land preparation commence on February 20.

Sooke Road is identified as a transit corridor and intended growth area in the Colwood Official Community Plan.

The developers obtained permit to develop the land in December 2019. The permit clearly defines the trees that must be protected and those that may be removed and then replaced as construction is completed.

Under the guidance of an arborist, a bird nesting survey was completed and trees that are to be retained have been fenced for protection. A buffer of trees will be retained along the property adjacent to established homes.

2330 Sooke Road, Colwood
Conceptual drawing for 2330 Sooke Road in Colwood [City of Colwood]

The City anticipates a building application to come forward for the proposed 18 townhomes, 27 condos, and 32 rental apartments. This is in keeping with Colwood’s goal of having a range of housing types for various income levels and phases of lifestyle needs by residents.

The development permit also requires road improvements that include a landscaped boulevard with lighting, sidewalks and bike lanes as well as allowing for a transit lane to accommodate BC Transit’s plans for queue jumping lanes for buses.

In addition, the City’s draft 5-year Financial Plan proposes several transportation updates, including the design of upgrades for Sooke Road between Metchosin Road and Veterans Memorial Parkway. A full update of the Colwood Transportation Master Plan will also be undertaken.

2330 Sooke Road, map
General map of Colwood showing location of 2330 Sooke Road near the intersection of Veterans Memorial Parkway. [Google Maps]

==== Links:

City of Colwood information page about the 2300 Sooke Road project