Home Business & Economy News Media Island Social Trends editor & publisher Mary P Brooke receives coronation medal

Island Social Trends editor & publisher Mary P Brooke receives coronation medal

Many thanks to readers, subscribers, advertisers and supporters.

Mary P Brooke, Alistair MacGregor, Coronation Medal
Island Social Trends Editor & Publisher Mary P Brooke received a King Charles III Coronation Medal as awarded by Alistair MacGregor, MP (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford) on January 18, 2025 in Cobble Hill, BC.

Sunday January 19, 2025 | LANGFORD, BC [Last update January 29, 2025]

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Thank you to readers, subscribers, advertisers and supporters!

Island Social Trends founder, editor and publisher Mary P Brooke has been awarded a King Charles III Coronation Medal.

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Mary P Brooke at the Jan 18, 2025 King Charles III Coronation Medal event. [Brian White]

The recognition was given for Ms Brooke’s contribution to west shore local and south Vancouver Island regional journalism over 17 years through her various publications (MapleLine Magazine 2008-2010, Sooke Voice News 2011-2013, West Shore Voice News 2014-2020, and Island Social Trends 2020 to present), as well recently launching a non-profit society to facilitate the growing of natural food in urban spaces.

Brooke was one of 13 recipients at a ceremony hosted by Cowichan-Malahat-Langford MP Alistair MacGregor on January 18, 2025 in Cobble Hill.

mary p brooke, headshot
Mary P Brooke, Editor & Publisher of Island Social Trends (2018 photo).

At Saturday’s ceremony, Ms Brooke was accompanied by a few of the many friends and associates who over the years (long or short) have contributed in significant ways to the success of her regional journalism, as her official guests: Devin Dignam, David Evans, Gabe Haythornthwaite, Kara Middleton, Beverley Myers, Doug Stuart, and Brian White. City of Langford Mayor Scott Goodmanson attended.

coronation medal, king charles III
King Charles III Coronation Medal.

Many municipal mayors have been supportive of the work of Island Social Trends (and previous publications) as well as MLAs and MPs. Sure, articles were written about them (sometimes prolifically), but with insights for readers in ways that other news publications do not provide. And everything is archived right here within IslandSocialTrends.ca as well as in print at the Sooke Region Museum.

Social media:

Thank you for the Likes and comments on LinkedIn (or by email) from: Rick Armour, Julie Barlow, Gemma Claridge, Marcela Corzo, Michael Elliot, Danica Fruttarol, Barry Gifford, Scott Goodmanson, Raechel Gray, Regan Hansen, April Dorey Hartwig, Tobin Hwang, Joanne Kimm, Damian Kowalewich, Adam Kubel, Dana LaJeunesse, Michael J MacNeil, David Mallett, Rob Martin, Simon Miles, Farzaan Nusserwanji, Donna Petrie, Kerrie Reay, Helene Roberge, Christina Schlattner, Dean Shoemaker, Erin Stockill, Nick Dickinson Wilde, Mary Wagner and Ashka Wirk.

linkedIn, Likes, MPB

Thanks for congratulatory comments or Likes on Facebook from Phyllis Bailey, Denise Blackwell, Jeremy Caradonna, Eric Chang, Tracy Clark, Kerry Davis, Barb Desjardins, Sean Flynn, Herb Haldane, Matt Hannah, Bobbi-jo Happell, George Holmes, Paula Johansen, Marie-Terese Little, Alistair MacGregor, David Merner, Connie Foss Moore, Colin Plant, Ross Reid, Lori Rittaler, Darlene Rotchford, Maja Tait, and others.

Thank you for the many Likes on Bluesky too!


Comments and testimonials from readers, subscribers, advertisers and supporters over the past few years (alphabetical order):

::: “Thank you for reporting this decision by the BC Government to provide mandatory CPR training in schools. No other media source has written a story on what I think is a very important decision that will save lives in the future. And thank you for mentioning water safety training as part of the school curriculum as it is another initiative that will save lives.” ~ Langford Fire Chief Chris Aubrey [August 2024]

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Langford Fire Rescue Chief Chris Aubrey and comrades, arriving for the AC Lance Caven memorial, April 29, 2023. [Island Social Trends]

::: “I really enjoyed your article with (a political candidate applicant). It was friendly and honest, something I see less often in media.” ~ Martin Barker, Duncan, BC [January 2025]

::: “You’re doing an excellent job at covering the BC election!” ~ JoJo Beattie, BC Greens Press Secretary [October 2024]

::: “Congratulations Mary! What an honour for you. I imagine Brenda would have been very proud of and happy for you too.”  ~ Tracy Clark [January 2025]

::: “The Island Social Trends print edition is great reading for people in my constituency. Glad to have copies available at our constituency office.” ~ Mitzi Dean, MLA (Esquimalt-Metchosin) [August 2024]

mitzi dean, Marie-Térèse Little
At the official opening of the crosswalk at Hans Helgesen Elementary on Aug 18, 2023: Mitzi Dean, MLA Esquimalt-Metchosin (left) and District of Metchosin Mayor Marie-Térèse Little. [supplied]

:::  “Thank you for sharing this comprehensive reality-check for Canadians. I encourage (readers) to take the time to read the entire article. If there was ever a time when we absolutely need PM Justin Trudeau’s experience, vision, and expertise, both domestically and globally, it is now.” ~ JC Davidson, on Bluesky [December 2024]

::: “Nowadays you’re the only ‘real journalist’ out there!” ~ David Evans (BC Green candidate, Juan de Fuca-Malahat) [August 2024]

marina sapozhnikov, david evans, dana lajeunesse, all candidates
Juan de Fuca-Malahat all candidates meeting in Otter Point on Sept 29, 2024 featured all three candidates (from left): Marina Sapozhnikov (BC Conservative), David Evans (BC Green), and Dana Lajeunesse (BC NDP). [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

::: “Thanks Mary, for starting my Island Social Trends digital subscription. I am always happy to support local business, especially one so valuable to our community.” ~ Sean Flynn (former BC United candidate in Langford Highlands) [September 2024]

::: “Thanks for this level-headed and informative article (editorial about Trudeau, Freeland & the Liberal Party).” ~ Linda Fontaine, Alberta resident [December 2024]

:::   “Your journalism has been instrumental in covering important stories for View Royal, and I truly appreciate the dedication and professionalism you bring to  your work.” ~ Damian Kowalewich, municipal councillor, Township of View Royal [December 2024]

gery lemon, damian kowalewich, ron mattson, view royal
View Royal Councillors at ‘The Last Public Hearing’ town hall on Nov 23, 2023 (from left): Gery Lemon, Damian Kowalewich, Ron Mattson. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

::: Congratulations Mary!! You certainly deserve this recognition for your contribution. You are one very hardworking and talented woman. Great to see you receive this honour. [January 2025] | “Once again your degree of detail is so impressive! Nice to see this kind of local journalism still exists.” [June 2024] ~ Regan Hansen, communications consultant

::: “Congratulations Mary, your King Charles medal is well deserved for your many years of excellent journalism.” [January 2025] | “Mary, thank you for your excellent reporting of local news issues that really matter to your readers. Your story behind the story is often more interesting, accurate and relevant. Well done.” [August 2023] ~ George Holmes, Property & Strata Manager, Raven Property Management

::: “Thank you for that last long piece (about John Horgan’s career and farewell, with community-wide comments upon his retirement); it’s now in my keeper box.” ~ former Premier John Horgan [June 2023]

maja tait, john horgan
Sooke Mayor Maja Tait was at Government House on July 18, 2017 to congratulate Premier John Horgan. [Photo: Mary P Brooke / West Shore Voice News]

::: “I appreciate the journalistic work that you’ve done. This kind of work has definitely been lacking.” ~ Sasha Izard, Saanich resident and community leader [December 2024]

::: “Thank you for your journalism work! It’s important to get good information out to people. We need to have unbiased reporting and let people form their own opinions.” ~ Dana Lajeunesse, BC NDP candidate, Juan de Fuca-Malaha. [October 2024]

::: “Island Social Trends is an incredibly important local publication for the west shore communities.” ~ Alistair MacGregor, MP (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford) [January 2025]

alistair macgregor, langford council
Alistair MacGregor, MP (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford) at the Langford Community Fun Day on July 18, 2024 at Ruth King Elementary. From left: Langford Councillors Mary Wagner, Kimberley Guiry, Keith Yacucha; Alistair MacGregor, MP (Cowichan-Malahat-Langford); Langford Mayor Scott Goodmanson, and Councillor Colby Harder. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

::: “Well done, Mary P. You certainly deserved it [receiving a King Charles III Coronation Medal]. Congratulations! Your honest, truthful reporting is needed more than ever in this ear of disinformation.” ~ David Mallett, Sooke resident [January 2025]

::: “Thank you for your continued, critical work toward local political coverage.” ~ Kara Middleton, Langford resident [November 2024]

::: “Great work (in covering BC political issues)!” ~ Tom Myrick, Sooke resident [August 2024]

::: “Congratulations on receiving a King Charles III Coronation Medal! An impressive achievement!” ~ Donna Petrie, Senior Manager of Communications & Economic Development, City of Langford [January 2025]

::: “Thank you for your commitment to reporting.” ~ Dave Saunders, Healthy Westshore, Saunders Family Foundation, Colwood [June 2024]

adrian dix, dave saunders, mark holland, mitzi dean
Health Minister Adrian Dix delivered remarks at a workshop gathering of about 100 community leaders, June 11, 2024 at the Olympic View Golf Course in Colwood. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

::: “Congratulations Mary. Independent journalism is the connection communities need to shine a light on the events impacting our lives. 💡
Thank you for your work.” ~ Christina Schlattner [January 2025]

::: “Congratulations Mary!! Wonderful to see your efforts recognized this way!” [January 2025] | “Thank you Mary! After all these years (since starting with MapleLine Magazine in 2008 in Sooke), you’ve remained consistent, balanced, well-researched and informed. Despite all of the changes to social media, meta-blocking, etc, other reporters have come and gone for various reasons here and there. Thank you for all of your hard work and steadfast commitment to your work. So necessary in these turbulent times.” [May 2024] ~ District of Sooke Mayor Maja Tait

::: “Well done in the scrum. It made the live news feed.” ~ John Twigg, former BC Legislative Press Gallery member & former press secretary to former Premier Dave Barrett [November 2024]

:::  “Congratulations Mary! A richly deserved honour (receiving a King Charles III Coronation Medal) as one of our only really professional journalists on Vancouver Island.” ~ Brian White, Royal Roads tourism & sustainability professor [January 2025]

ist main, health care
Political news and analysis at IslandSocialTrends.ca .

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