Home Health Immunization Island Health: vaccination profile at June 27

Island Health: vaccination profile at June 27

The number to watch: about 26.9% of administered COVID doses have been second doses (at June 25).

mRNA vaccine, vials
Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are both mRNA types.

Sunday June 27, 2021 | VANCOUVER ISLAND, BC [Correction entered July 3, 2021]

by Mary P Brooke, B.Sc., Editor | Island Social Trends

With COVID-19 vaccine supply much increased compared to previous months of 2021 (primarily with larger shipments of Moderna in early July and larger Pfizer shipments coming later in July) Island Health is able to provide a limited number of walk-in appointments each day at mass immunization clinics, and expand the number of appointments available for booking across Vancouver Island.

There is also a ramp-up of different types of clinics (pop-up, retail, drive-through, etc) in different parts of the province — whatever works to reach people who want to receive a COVID-19 vaccination injection.

The BC Health goal is for 80% of British Columbians to be vaccinated with one dose, and eventually all of those with a second dose. As of June 25, the first-dose percentage of vaccinated adults (age 18+ was getting close at 77.6% and about 26.9% had received their second dose.

Teens over age 12 won’t yet be getting their second dose, as the recommended interval between doses is ideally 11 weeks, and that age cohort (age 12 to 17 years) only started getting their vaccines a few weeks ago. Including ages 12 and up, 25.2% of eligible British Columbians have received their second dose.

Medical experts say that none of the vaccines provide 100% protection, but full immunization (two shots, given at a suitable interval) will reduce serious illness, hospitalizations and deaths.

Pace of immunization:

eagle ridge, immunization
Island Health’s COVID-19 immunization clinic at the Eagle Ridge Arena in Langford. [File photo March 2021 – Island Social Trends]

B.C.’s mass immunization clinics have been designed for operational capacity of approximately 450,000 doses per week. At present, the clinics are currently administering around 325,000 weekly, based on vaccine supply, says the BC Ministry of Health. 

A short-term interruption in immunization appointments was experienced this weekend (and continues into Monday June 28) at the Eagle Ridge Arena location in Langford and the Archie Browning Arena location in Esquimalt, due to extreme heat. Without air conditioning, the well-being of staff would be impacted as well as the vaccine products themselves, says Island Health.

Provincial Health Officer Dr Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix will give an update on COVID-19 and likely the impacts of the current heat wave, during a livestreamed press conference tomorrow, Monday June 28, at 3 pm.

immunization clinic, signage
Immunization clinic sandwich board signage at a COVID clinic in Langford. [Island Social Trends]

Changes in supply:

On Thursday Dr Henry outlined that in the first two weeks of July there will be more Moderna product coming into BC but less Pfizer-BioNTech product.

“Pfizer requires additional preparation time to inject the diluent in the vaccine vial, but this is minimal and does not slow down vaccine delivery,” the Ministry of Health told Island Social Trends yesterday, adding: “Vaccination sites are adequately staffed and are running efficiently.”

Vaccinations administered to date in Island Health (June 25, 2021):

So far in Island Health there have been 769,562 COVID-19 vaccinations administered (up by 63,470 in the past seven days), of which 176,996 (about 22.9%) have been second doses.

john horgan, vaccination
Premier John Horgan got his second COVID vaccination shot on June 18, choosing AstraZeneca for the second time. [BC Government photo]

Most of the administered doses have been Pfizer (555,393 or 72.2%), with Moderna being the second-most administered (183,393 or 23.8%), and then AstraZeneca (30,776 or 4.0%). Here’s the detail, as of June 25:

  • Pfizer – 1st dose 555,393 | 2nd dose 100,315
  • Moderna – 1st dose 183,393 | 2nd dose 67,749 (this is up, percentage-wise, due to supply shifts of more Moderna than Pfizer at the moment)
  • AstraZeneca – 1st dose 30,776 | 2nd dose 8,932

On June 18, BC’s Premier received his second dose of AstraZeneca here on Vancouver Island, saying ‘the best vaccine shot is the one that is offered to you’.

COVID still spreading:

On Vancouver Island there are still 38 active cases of COVID-19, with four people in hospital. Though no new deaths on the island since May 31 (total 41 during the pandemic).

COVID, vancouver island
COVID-19 dashboard for Vancouver Island at June 25, 2021 with graph showing case concentration throughout BC, pandemic to date [BC CDC]

BC vaccination profile:

Across BC, 77.6% of adults (18+) have received their first dose (that’s up about 1% in the past week), and 26.9% their second dose (that’s up about 7%). Of all vaccine-eligible British Columbians (age 12+), 76.2% have received a first dose (up 1.1% since June 18).

Vaccination is not complete until two doses are received. For people who are seriously immuno-compromised, even a third dose might be required, said Dr Henry this past week.

Very likely everyone will need a third booster in the fall-winter of 2021-2022, to help combat the continuing new variants that are emerging (currently the Delta variant is the newest one showing resistance to the present vaccines).

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===== LINKS: (provided by Island Health)