Home News by Region Langford Great turnout for Langford’s 9th Annual Show n’ Shine

Great turnout for Langford’s 9th Annual Show n’ Shine

Popular event enjoyed a big turnout

Show & Shine, Langford, August 2019
Mayor Stew Young chatted with the crowd at the 9th Annual Langford Show & Shine on August 18, 2019 [West Shore Voice News ~ M Brooke]

Sunday, August 18, 2019 ~ LANGFORD

by Mary Brooke ~ West Shore Voice News

Today Sunday August 18, the sunny warm weather was perfect for Langford’s 9th Annual Show & Shine on Goldstream Avenue and in Veterans Memorial Park.

This year’s attendance met last year’s 17,000 mark but did not seem as congested, with the additional location of the park. There were more cars to see this year (including a special section of 1950s and ’60s vehicles in the park) plus two live bands — one of them being ‘Elvis’!

Several city blocks of Goldstream Avenue from Peatt Rd to Veterans Memorial Parkway presented the more than 300 vehicles that were set up well ahead of the 10 am arrival of the public for the 4-hour walkabout.

Mayor Stew Young, Show & Shine, August 2019
Langford Show & Shine 2nd place winner receives customized cooler and a Deuce Days licence plate from Mayor Stew Young, August 18, 2019 [West Shore Voice News]

At 1 pm, Mayor Stew Young announced the People’s Choice winners who each received a special 9th Show & Shine cooler and Deuce Days licence plate.

First place went to Ron and Sherry Quesnel for their black Ford Anglia that was parked right near the fountain. For his 1959 Chev Apache pickup Dave Boudin won second place. Mark Fisher for his 1956 convertible Chev won third place.

All the exhibitors and volunteers were thanked for putting on a show for the town. “Thank you for putting on a show for all the people of Langford,” said the Mayor, as well as announcing that Deuce Days will be back in three years. This summer “Deuce Days came through our town, it was a great event”, said the Mayor.

Deuce Days organizer Al Clark was on hand today at Langford’s Show & Shine, already chatting about the details of organizing the 2022 show.

Langford’s long-time mayor was also pleased to announce that next year the Show & Shine will expand as well over to City Centre Park at the expanded Westhills Stadium, and that car show registrants should book their spot well in advance for the new location as well as the current Goldstream Avenue and Veterans Memorial Park locations.

9th Annual Langford Show & Shine, Veterans Memorial Park, 2019
New location added to the Langford Show & Shine for 2019, at Veterans Memorial Park, August 18, 2019 [West Shore Voice News]

Next year’s event will be coordinated with the other events for a big Langford weekend including the other shows — a special weekend here for Langford including “the car racing and speedway guys — this is the culture of Langford”, said Young at the microphone at 1 pm today. Next year will probably including a lineup of sports, cars shows, racing and concerts.

red chevy, Langford Show & Shine
Red ’56 Chevy at the 9th Langford Show & Shine [West Shore Voice News]
vans, volkswagen, Langford, Show & Shine, Goldstream
Vans at the 9th Annual Langford Show & Shine on August 18, 2019 on Goldstream Avenue [West Shore Voice News]
Mayor Stew Young, 9th Annual Show & Shine, 2019
Mayor Stew Young chatted with the crowd at the 9th Annual Langford Show & Shine on August 18, 2019 [West Shore Voice News ~ Mary Brooke]
9th Annual Show & Shine, coolers, winners
9th Annual Show & Shine coolers for the People’s Choice winners [West Shore Voice News]
Dianna Seaton, West Shore Rotary, Sarah Beckett Memorial Playground, fundraising
Fundraising for the Sarah Beckett Memorial Playground at the Rotary of the West Shore booth, coordinated by Dianna Seaton (centre) [West Shore Voice News / Mary Brooke]

At the Show & Shine today there were display booths of several local organizations including Rotary Club of West Shore, Wounded Warriors, and the Goldstream Food Bank.

Coming up next weekend on Saturday August 24 is “the biggest event we’ve ever put on, at City Centre Park,” said Stew Young. The official opening of the Sarah Beckett Memorial Park will be at 1 pm, followed by the Official Opening of the expanded stadium starting at 2 pm in the stadium at City Centre Park. Young thanked the West Shore Rotary Club for doing the fundraising for the park over the past year.

Westhills Stadium, new bleachers, August 2019
Construction of expanded section of Westhills Stadium is nearing completion [August 11, 2019] – West Shore Voice News photo

The grand opening of the expanded Westhills Stadium on Saturday August 24 will be followed by a Pacific FC home game at 3 pm.