Home Organizations & Associations West Shore RCMP Find a sober ride home on New Year’s Eve

Find a sober ride home on New Year’s Eve

Twelve drivers charged for impaired driving in December to date

don't drive and drive
Don't Drink & Drive

Tuesday December 31, 2019 ~ WEST SHORE

~ West Shore Voice News

“If you are enjoying festivities on New Year’s Eve tonight please find a safe and sober ride home,” says West Shore RCMP. Members of the West Shore RCMP say they will be conducting check stops throughout the night.

In the month of December 2019, West Shore RCMP has conducted 28 investigations involving impaired driving. These include complaints of possible impaired drivers reported by concerned citizens, or instances where officers noted concerning driving behaviour and pulled over the vehicle to check for driver sobriety. Of these 28 investigations, 12 resulted in the driver being charged for impaired driving, says Cst Nancy Saggar, Media Relations Officer, West Shore RCMP.

“These statistics do not reflect the hundreds of drivers that went through West Shore RCMP check stops during the month of December,” says Cst Saggar. “Help us keep our citizens safe by either being a sober driver or making arrangements for one. Stay safe and enjoy the last night of the year, Happy New Year everyone!”

The idea of setting up a designated driver ahead of a night of alcohol consumption is something that’s been promoted for many years across Canada.