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Dispatch for all south island detachments under one roof

Capital Regional District owns the building

9-1-1, emergency services, dispatch
9-1-1 dispatch center in Saanich will serve all south Vancouver Island detachments [E-Comm 911 photo]

Saturday, January 26, 2019 ~ GREATER VICTORIA AREA.

~ West Shore Voice News

All 11 central/southern RCMP detachments are transitioning their emergency and non-emergency call-taking to the consolidated South Island 9-1-1/Police Dispatch Centre.

The center on Commerce Circle in Saanich is operated by E-Comm 911 (Emergency Communications for British Columbia Inc). www.ecomm911.ca

The full detachment roster for which dispatch will be handled out of the new facility: • Integrated Roadside Safety Unit (IRSU) • Ladysmith • Lake Cowichan • North Cowichan/Duncan • Outer Gulf Island (Pender, Galiano, Mayne) • Salt Spring Island • Shawnigan Lake • Sidney/North Saanich • Sooke • South Island Traffic Services • West Shore (Langford, Colwood, View Royal, Metchosin, Highlands, Songhees First Nation, and Esquimalt First Nation).

On January 22, Victoria Police transitioned their dispatch services to the new center. Central Saanich, Oak Bay and Saanich police departments along with central and southern Vancouver Island RCMP detachments will follow suit in the coming weeks.

The building has been built and is owned by the Capital Regional District (CRD). An official opening of the new post-disaster facility will be held in March.

E-Comm provides emergency communication services in Metro Vancouver and 25 other regional districts across B.C.

E-Comm is the largest 9-1-1 centre in British Columbia and is responsible for 92% of the province’s 9-1-1 call volume.

Established in 1997 under the provincial Emergency Communications Corporations Act, E-Comm is owned by the municipalities and public safety agencies it serves.