Home Election Tracker BC Provincial 2024 David Evans BC Greens JDF-Malahat fundraiser in Metchosin

David Evans BC Greens JDF-Malahat fundraiser in Metchosin

BC Greens fundraiser in Metchosin Sept 10 - free to attend

david evans, juan de fuca, malahat, bc greens
BC Greens candidate for Juan de Fuca - Malahat, David Evans, read his nomination acceptance speech on May 11, 2024 in Metchosin. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Thursday September 5, 2024 | METCHOSIN, BC [Updated 11 pm]

UPDATE: Political analysis & photos of David Evans Sept 10, 2024 fundraiser

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Meeting and greeting folks is the name of the game!

People who live across the broad Juan de Fuca-Malahat electoral area are welcome at the Juan de Fuca-Malahat BC Green candidate David Evans fundraiser on Tuesday evening September 10, from 5 to 8 pm.

The gala is being held at the Metchosin Golf & Country Club.

Speakers will include Andy MacKinnon (BC Green candidate back in 2021) and David Merner (federal Green candidate in 2019). Performances by Kat Kadoski and Fine Brew.

david evans, bc greens, sept 10, event

Admission is free, RSVP appreciated:

There is no admission fee to attend the David Evans BC Greens fundraiser on September 10.

RSVP is appreciated, so organizers can plan the food (visit DavidEvansJFM.com to RSVP).

But once you’re there, of course donations are hoped for by the Evans campaign team, to help fund the range of expenses that a campaign experiences.

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Very large riding:

The Juan de Fuca-Malahat riding is newly boundaried for 2024. It’s the third-largest riding on Vancouver Island, geographically speaking.

Evans drives around the riding to meet voters, sometimes with volunteers in tow.

juan de fuca malahat, map, electoral area
Provincial electoral area of Juan de Fuca-Malahat. [Elections BC]

Juan de Fuca-Malahat includes Cobble Hill, East Sooke, Jordan River, Malahat, Metchosin, Mill Bay, Otter Point, Port Renfrew, Shawnigan Lake, Shirley, and Sooke.

There are 15 provincial ridings on Vancouver Island, and a total of 93 across BC.

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Three-way Juan de Fuca-Malahat race:

The provincial election race in Juan de Fuca-Malahat sees three major party candidates:

  • David Evans – BC Greens
  • Dana LaJeunesse – BC NDP
  • Marina Sapozhnikov – BC Conservative

Previously there was a BC United candidate, but the BC United Party is no longer running any candidates in the 2024 provincial election.

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