Home Business & Economy Disposal & Recycling CRD curbside recycling pickup service & schedules

CRD curbside recycling pickup service & schedules

Blue bags for paper, blue boxes for everything else (glass must be separated)

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Recycling in the CRD (Greater Victoria) area of south Vancouver Island. [Composite / CRD]

Sunday December 29, 2024 | VICTORIA, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Did you know? You can get a free download of the curbside recycling schedule for your address.


Just visit the Capital Regional District (CRD) website on the Find Your Collection Day Online page.

Finding your schedule:

On the Blue Box Schedules & App page you can:

  • Find your next scheduled collection day.
  • Subscribe for service alerts and reminders via email, voicemail or X.
  • Download the RecycleCRD app (be reminded on your smartphone); search “RecycleCRD” in the app stores. Click here to download the iPhone app | Click here to download the Android app.
  • Download the schedule to print or add into your electronic calendar.
crd, recycling, find your collection date
Find your CRD curbside recycling collection date. [CRD]
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How to recycle:

Put materials out early:

Ensure your materials are out by 7:30 am. If it’s a windy or wet day, protect the contents appropriately.

Ongoing schedule, except Dec 25 and Jan 1:

Recyclables are picked up from single family homes, multi-family housing, and commercial properties.

With the exception of Christmas and New Years days, the CRD curbside collection proceeds as usual on holidays.

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Bag, box and separate box:

What can you put into blue bags and blue boxes?

Visit the main Blue Box Program page to learn what’s accepted and how to prepare your materials.

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Accepted materials in curbside blue bags [CRD]

Generally speaking, the blue bags are for paper products, and the blue boxes are for everything else (except glass).

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Accepted materials in curbside blue boxes. [CRD]

Clean glass bottles and jars should be put into a separate blue box or similar container.

Separate instructions for Oak Bay.

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