Home Health Island Health COVID outbreak over at Veterans Memorial Lodge

COVID outbreak over at Veterans Memorial Lodge

One staff member had tested positive. No other infections.

Veterans Memorial Lodge, long-term care
There has been one case of COVID-19 at Veterans Memorial Lodge in Saanich, announced November 29, 2020.

Friday December 11, 2020 | SAANICH, BC

by Mary P Brooke, B.Sc., editor | Island Social Trends

Today the COVID-19 outbreak at the Veterans Memorial Lodge long-term care home in Saanich has been declared over.

Island Health says there are no longer any COVID-19 cases related to the outbreak at the site. They credit this protection of residents and staff to “the implementation of comprehensive strategies to prevent and respond to COVID-19 in long-term care”.

The outbreak at Veterans Memorial Lodge was declared on November 29 after one staff member tested positive for COVID-19. “No other cases in residents or staff were identified through extensive followup testing,” says Island Health.

Now the adult day program and Veterans Health Centre programs and services will resume (starting Monday December 14). Essential visits and scheduled social visits will resume on Saturday December 12.

Veterans Memorial Lodge is a non-profit care home operated by Broadmead Care.