Home Business & Economy Cloth Castle looking forward to Creativ Festival West

Cloth Castle looking forward to Creativ Festival West

Cloth Castle, sewing, fabric, retail, Langford

Saturday, March 2, 2019 ~ LANGFORD

~ West Shore Voice News

The popular Cloth Castle fabric, sewing and quilting supply store in Langford is looking forward to again participating in the annual Creativ Festival West show.

Being held Friday March 8 and Saturday March 9 at Pearkes Recreation Centre behind the Tillicum Mall, the two-day Creativ Festival West event is an opportunity for creators of crafty things to see the latest and best in things like sewing, knitting, beading, stitching, quilting and scrapbooking.

Cloth Castle, Langford, sewing, fabric, online shopping
Wide variety of fabrics at The Cloth Castle retail store in Langford.

Cloth Castle is proud of their online store at www.clothcastle.com where people can shop anytime for the books and patterns, fabrics, gifts, notions, and sewing machines that they need.

Their long-time Cloth Castle retail store in the heart of Langford is at 786 Goldstream Avenue where the array of colour, texture and product is a delight. Classes offered (see website). Open daily. 250-478-2112.

For visiting the Cloth Castle booth at Creativ Festival West next weekend, here is a 2-for-1 entry coupon!

This coupon is for admission to the Creativ Festival West event at Pearkes Arena, March 8 & 9, 2019. Courtesy of Cloth Castle [posted at www.westshorevoicenews.com]