Home Business & Economy Retail Bare-bones shopping during COVID-19

Bare-bones shopping during COVID-19

Retail changes to serve and protect.

London Drugs, Colwood, June 4 2020
"What's in stock" signage on the front door of London Drugs in Colwood, June 4, 2020 [West Shore Voice News]

Saturday June 6, 2020 ~ COLWOOD, BC

by Mary Brooke ~ West Shore Voice News

It’s a matter of in-and-out at London Drugs at Colwood Corners. It starts with signage on the door before you walk in… what’s in stock for COVID-related needs, and what’s not.

The directional arrows on floors are well marked, for one-way traffic flow. Plexiglass barriers are up at cash registers. Check out is fast.

Gone are the days, for now during the COVID-19 pandemic, of meandering and wandering amidst marketing-driven displays in retail.

This has further impact on the retail bottom line in addition to some people still not showing up at all (such as seniors sticking close to home, and others who are physically distancing and limiting their exposure in crowded spaces).

Somehow knowing this is what retail is up against, stores that work to provide new guidance and services to customers will get the business in the short term and probably win long-term customer loyalty as well.