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Snow trumps curbside recycling pickup

No bluebox pickup on Fri Dec 23

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Blue box curbside pickup in snow.

Friday December 23, 2022 | VICTORIA, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

All scheduled curbside recycling collection has been cancelled in the Greater Victoria area today Friday December 23 due to unsafe driving conditions in the region.

That was also the case on Tuesday December 20.

“Residents affected are advised to hold their recycling until their next collection day,” says the Capital Regional District (CRD) on their website, while thanking residents for their patience.

snow, blue box, CRD

Any pickup amount:

When there is a pickup day, there is no limit on how much recycling can be placed at the curb.

Recyclables can also be dropped off at a depot free of charge: list of recycling depots

Get on the schedule advisory list:

Residents may keep up to date on blue box schedules and service details by signing up for the RecycleCRD app.

For updates, visit the CRD website at www.crd.bc.ca or follow the CRD on Twitter @crd_bc

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Island Social Trends is a professional news service that covers news of the west shore, south Vancouver Island, BC and national issues. Island Social Trends launched entirely online at islandsocialtrends.ca in mid-2020, in the footstep of its predecessor publications MapleLine Magazine (2008-2010), Sooke Voice News (2011-2013) and West Shore Voice News (2014-2020). Editor and publisher: Mary P Brooke