Home Editorials Thoughts on Mother’s Day 2022

Thoughts on Mother’s Day 2022

mothers day

Sunday May 8, 2022 | LANGFORD, BC

EDITOR’s NOTE | by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

First of all, wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!

For me, as a mother of four amazing grown children (three daughters and one son), this is always a special day.

Beyond anything else a person can do in this life, raising healthy children who become responsible contributors to their communities and succeed in their careers is a life choice like no other.

mothers day, flowers

Motherhood has always been about providing love and guidance. So much about raising a child in the mainstream culture has been about stewarding young people into ‘finding their fit’ in broader community and society.

But it’s also about soul-nurturing, in a way that allows each child’s inner self shine to the world in its own unique way.

Motherhood starts even before one becomes a mother. Being healthy in mind, body and spirit is a good place to start. Resilience during the active parenting years is ideally supported by family and community around us.

And motherhood continues even after your children are grown… a continuing connection of love and support which varies from family to family.

Being a mom can in time also mean being a grandmother or great-mother. To all the moms out there… at whatever stage of your journey, may you be honoured today in ways that are right for you and your family.


Mary Brooke, editor and publisher
Mary Brooke, Editor and Publisher, Island Social Trends

Mary P Brooke is the editor of Island Social Trends, based in Langford and writing to a south Vancouver Island audience and beyond. Mary is the mother of four grown children who enjoy full adult lives.

Ms Brooke is a long-time feminist who continues to support women in their continuing journey toward full respect and success in a society that is still grappling with its patriarchal roots and trajectory.

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