Release date: Saturday, December 1 ~ LANGFORD.
West Shore Voice News November 30, 2018 Print-PDF Issue
WSV ISSN | 2368-9374 | Vol.4 No.5
SVN ISSN | 1925-2722 | Vol.8 No.46
Week #410
This Holiday Season Kickoff Issue of West Shore Voice News presents page 1 news: Singing about the school code | Makerspace opens in Sooke | Sooke River Road to get traffic lights | SD62 looks at seatbelts on school buses
- Editorial this week: Opening up the inside of team sports [Editorial]
- Other news: 12th Annual Langford Lightup a big hit | Colwood lightup hotdogs run out fast | Horgan’s annual Christmas open house | Santa parade & Santa Run in Sooke | Garrison fights for self harm amendment | SD62 looks to increase SSAC’s for more school-building revenue | Referendum ballot returns at 37%, deadline is December 7 | Colwood: committee appointments, priorities | Langford turf (sports field) | Three highschool food drives this holiday season | Pacific FC opens downtown storefront

EVENTS on page 4: Lots happening this holiday season. | Also visit the online Events page for updates.
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