Home Traffic TRAFFIC: West shore roadworks Nov 25 to 30

TRAFFIC: West shore roadworks Nov 25 to 30

Traffic advisories from Langford and Colwood

metchosin road, painter road, colwood, traffic
Traffic delays at Metchosin Rd & Painter Rd in Colwood, Nov 26 & 27, 2024. [City of Colwood]

Monday November 25, 2024 | LANGFORD, BC [Updated November 29, 2024]

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Construction and community growth continue in the west shore.

This development oftentimes has traffic-flow impacts.

Here are some of the key traffic schedule advisories for this week and into December, in Langford and Colwood:

  • November 25 & 26. Wilfert and Wale Roads. Paving on Wilfert Road and sections of Wale Road.
  • November 26. Bray Ave (Carlow Rd to Rita Rd). Traffic delays during foundation concrete pour.
  • November 26 & 27. Metchosin Rd & Painter Rd. Installation of electrical conduit for bus pad lighting.
  • November 28. Metchosin Rd at Wishart Rd. Traffic delays 9 am to 12 noon, for a few minutes when leaving or arriving the intersection. The signal will be dark and controlled by traffic control personnel for about 2 to 3 hours while cabinet modifications and wiring is redressed. Traffic control on site.
  • November 30. Bryn Maur Road traffic delay/road closure, 12 noon to 5 pm. Access to Langford Plaza and Goldstream Station will be maintained.
  • October 30 to November 30. Metchosin Rd (from Royal Commons to Ryder Hesjedal Way). Traffic delays during watermain construction along the east side of Metchosin Rd. Daily 7 am to 5:30 pm.
  • November 1 to mid-December. Veterans Memorial Parkway (from Allandale Rd to Brookside Rd, and Latoria Rd from VMP to Quarry St). Daily 7 am to 5 pm. Lane closures during BC Hydro work to expand and increase service capacity by installing underground ducts and structures.
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