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Sooke Santa Run 2018 has new routes

sooke santa run, sooke

Tuesday, November 20 ~ SOOKE.

The 25th annual “Santa Run” will take place on Saturday, December 8 starting at dusk (around 5 pm).

The four basic route areas are the same, but some of the details have changed.  1 – Town Centre/Broomhill | 2 – Whiffin Spit/John Muir | 3 – Sooke Road & Sooke River Road | 4 – Sunriver. See routes here: 2018 SANTA RUN ROUTES

Presented by the Sooke Firefighter’s Association and IAFF Local 4841, the annual Santa Run is a well-loved holiday tradition in Sooke. Decorated with festive lights, fire trucks make their way around the Sooke area, playing festive music and collecting donations for the food bank.

Thanks to the collaborative efforts of firefighters from the District of Sooke, Otter Point and East Sooke, much-needed cash and food donations go to the Sooke Christmas Bureau (a project of the Sooke Food Bank) and local families in need.

Four trucks are loaded with Santa and helpers to drive through the neighbourhoods. This event is the capstone of the firefighters annual Fill-a-Fire-Truck campaign (firefighters and volunteers collect food items and donations outside the malls in Sooke for a few weeks leading up to the Santa Run).

Last year, over $100,000 worth of non-perishable food and cash were donated by caring residents.

How to participate: Check out the four routes and determine closest location to you. Place non-perishable donations in a bag.
Follow the fire trucks online via our LIVE “Santa Tracker” at www.sooke.ca — links to routes below will be live the day of the Santa Run.

Listen for the music and look for the firetruck sirens and lights.
Meet Santa en route with your donation bag.

Donations can also be dropped off at the Sooke Fire Hall at 2225 Otter Point Road on the day of the run, and that evening.