Monday March 28, 2022 | SOOKE, BC
by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends
The 2022 Sooke Fine Arts Show Call to Artists is open now through May 24.
Artists across Vancouver Island and BC’s coastal islands are encouraged to submit their works for this year’s exhibition.
Back to a live show:
This year will mark the highly anticipated return of the Sooke Fine Arts Show as a live event at Sooke’s SEAPARC arena. The arena will again be skillfully transformed into a high-end art gallery welcoming back seasoned art lovers as well as those new and curious about the world of art.
From July 21 to August 1, the gallery will showcase original works of art amidst a backdrop of live music, art demonstrations, talks, and guided tours. There are hands-on activities for youth and events for seniors.
“The Call to Artists is highly anticipated by coastal artists, especially this year—our first live show since 2019,” said Terrie Moore, Executive Director, Sooke Fine Arts Society.
“Artists and patrons alike are telling us that they’re eager to experience and enjoy artworks in person again and we anticipate great exposure for our artists this year—over 9,000 visitors attended our last live show and more than 10,000 viewed our recent online shows.”
Also online:
A gallery of the art pieces displayed at the live Show will also be available for viewing online.
Over the two years of the pandemic the online presentation evolved to including galleries within the gallery, various angles of each artwork, and the ability to purchase online.
Adjudicated artworks:
A distinguished jury panel will adjudicate over 350 pieces of original fine art created from every imaginable material, in both traditional and contemporary styles.
The 2022 Sooke Fine Arts Show jurors are: Mark Heine, Barbara Zeigler, and Nicholas Tuele.
The popular show will also award over $12,000 in multiple categories, including art excellence, social commentary, designer’s choice, and people’s choice.
Gift shop & presentations:
On the gift shop side of things, artists may contribute unique gift items for sale. Artists are also encouraged to deliver talks, demos, or guided gallery tours at the show.

Submissions due by May 24:
Submissions to the Sooke Fine Arts Show are open to anyone on BC’s coastal islands who creates original paintings, sculpture, photography, fibre arts, ceramics, and hand-formed jewelry. Info at
Artists are encouraged to submit their works online. That opportunity is open until midnight on Thursday May 24, 2022.
Sooke Fine Arts Show 2022 Submission Guidelines are available online (PDF). There is a submission fee of $15 per piece.
===== SPONSOR:
Island Social Trends is proud to be a sponsor of the Sooke Fine Arts Show again this year, at the Platinum level. Island Social Trends editor Mary P Brooke and team have covered the art show each year since 2008.
Our subscribers and advertisers are part of this success.
===== RELATED:
The in-person Sooke Fine Arts Show is back! (March 3, 2022)
People’s Choice at Sooke Fine Arts reflects COVID experience (August 7, 2021)
Arts review: resilience & self-reflection in COVID-year Sooke Fine Arts Show (July 27, 2021)