Home Health Community Health Free misting station at Esquimalt Lagoon: July 28 & 29

Free misting station at Esquimalt Lagoon: July 28 & 29

Heat stress can be harmful. | Cooling & misting stations are part of the solution for urban residents who don't have use of water-spray in their own yards.

misting station
Misting stations have been popular around the Greater Victoria area during this week's heat.

Thursday July 28, 2022 | COLWOOD, BC

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Need a place to get cool?

During the current heat wave, Royal Roads University (RRU) is inviting community residents to stay cool at a local misting station.

Colwood, summer 2022, ad

In partnership with the City of Colwood and the Colwood Fire Department, Royal Roads is hosting a free, public misting station along the shores of the Esquimalt Lagoon.

More information can be found at the following link: Stay cool at RRU: misting station this Thursday & Friday | Royal Roads University

map, rru, misting station
Map with directions to the misting station at Esqumalt Lagoon. [RRU – July 28, 2022]

Other spray parks and misting stations:

There are spray parks, misting stations and some cooling stations in the west shore. See this map of Spray Parks, Parks, Lake & Beach Access, water fountains, and air conditioned public spaces (map by City of Langford GIS).

Heat wave all week:

The current heat wave started a few days ago.

Friday July 22 saw the start of higher temperatures, with a record temperature in Victoria at 31°C set on Monday July 25, 2022.

Earlier this week, highs of 30°C were the steady Environment Canada forecast for Victoria for July 26 to July 28.

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Weather forecast for Victoria, BC for July 26 to Aug 1, 2022 [Environment Canada]

While the temperature forecast is now in the 27°C to 29°C range for July 28 through 30, The heat wave is expected to last through this coming weekend. Temperatures are high during the day under cloudless skies, but also don’t cool down too much in the evening.

weather, heat, victoria
Weather forecast for Victoria, BC for July 28 to Aug 3, 2022 [Environment Canada]

Adapting to heat:

People remember last year’s heat dome (which was about 10 degrees hotter than this year’s heat wave) and are more aware of the health-impacts of becoming over-heated.

People are remembering to drink more water, and sleep in the cooler part of their home.

Keeping windows and blinds closed during the day helps keep heat out, while opening them in the evening will help cool room interiors down.

Remember the good ol’ days?

Years ago, people used sprinklers in their own yards for cooling in the heat, or filled up splash pools for the kids. With more people living in high-density buildings in urban areas, the need for misting stations has emerged.

monk office, 70th

===== RELATED:

It’s hot out there – know the signs of heat exhaustion (July 26, 2022)

sfas, 2022