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Drills pay off when the real thing happens

Hold & Secure procedure was put into place at two SD62 schools this week

SD62 elementary schools
A brief Hold & Secure was put in place on Tuesday April 23 at David Cameron Elementary and Savory Elementary.

Thursday, April 25, 2019 ~ LANGFORD & COLWOOD

~ by Mary P Brooke, West Shore Voice News

As a result of a shooting and subsequent car chase in the neighbouring area, two elementary schools in the west shore went into Hold and Secure mode on Tuesday morning April 23, and into the lunch hour.

RCMP were quick to contact the Sooke School District 62 (SD62) school district administration who immediately advised principals at David Cameron Elementary at 675 Meaford Avenue and Savory Elementary at 2721 Grainger Road to keep students indoors and secure the doors.

Both schools have students in Kindergarten to Grade 5. David Cameron has just over 375 students and Savory close to 200.

map, David Cameron Elementary
David Cameron Elementary is on Meaford Avenue.

The shooting at about 11 am happened outdoors near the Happy Valley Market at 3431 Happy Valley Road in Langford, says West Shore RCMP. Two vehicles involved in the incident fled the scene southbound on Happy Valley Road.

Police were already investigating an unrelated collision that took place at Kelly Rd and Veterans Memorial Parkway, when one of the suspect vehicles, a white Kia SUV crashed into the existing collision. As RCMP officers were already on scene, they were able to quickly and safely arrest one suspect as well as seize a firearm from the vehicle, said Cst. Saggar, West Shore RCMP Media Liaison Officer. The second vehicle, a brown Cadillac sedan was recovered on Leila Rd in Colwood. Police are still trying to determine what is the involvement of the second vehicle and it’s occupant(s).

map, Savory Elementary
Savory Elementary is located on Grainger Road.

During a Hold and Secure, all school perimeter doors are locked and no-one is permitted to leave or enter the building. This procedure allows inside work activity to continue as normal. Schools practice this sort of drill each year.

The Hold and Secure at both schools lasted for approximately an hour. Drills conducted earlier this year prepared everyone for the Hold and Secure, said SD62 this week.

“Both students and staff were quick and their day continued during that hour inside. Much of it occurred during lunch time, so the students had a rare day where they got to play inside the gym. As per procedure, the principal sends home a letter to all families by the end of the day after the Hold and Secure is lifted,” said Lindsay Vogan, SD62 communications rep.

“It’s important to note that we work closely with the RCMP during times like these and take all direction with regards to engaging in and lifting Hold and Secure or Lockdown procedures,” she said.

Letters home to parents are electronic. Schools may also use their websites and school app to communicate as well.

Hold and Secure and Lockdown are two very different courses of action. Unlike during a Hold and Secure event where activities continue as usual inside the school, during a Lockdown all perimeter and inside classroom/office doors are locked, windows are covered and staff and students remain still, quiet and out of sight.

Within SD62 policy, examples of Hold and Secure situations include:
– Police incident nearby (search warrants, K9 track, high-risk arrests nearby)
– Serious car accidents nearby
– Bear on school property
– Downed trees/power lines/residential gas leak/house fire